Can't think of a title

Hello all! It is Sunday the 11th and i am writing you, as always, from the trusty internet cafe. Didn't do much on Thursday, which was a half day. It was a national holiday, and therefore we didn't have to have school in the afternoon. Although it felt like so much time, i really didn't get much accomplished besides sitting around with my host brothers and Chris, sharing a couple of beers and stories. It was a beautiful day, which made it sad that i couldn't get out and play some soccer or run because of the ankle.
The next day was not quite so relaxed. We had our second language proficiency interview which was... well not what i would have hoped for. I don't know what it was, but i just didn't feel like i i could talk at all! It was really frustrating for some time after, but now i just think it is funny. The rest of the day was pretty low key. I stayed after classes to do some exercises that didn't involve running. During this, many were playing ultimate frisbee, and i sh#t you not the hole struck again. Yes the same hole that took my ankle struck again and in the exact same way. So now there are three buys with ankle problems, and we are all living in the Yanacoto community. Must be something in the water...

The next morning the WATSAN group finally got to go into the big city like the other groups do every weekend! We went to the Catholic
University of Lima, where we learned a lot of about water pump systems, improved stoves, and a lot of other stuff. To be honest i've not been all that excited with my technical classes, but seeing these different things in person, how cool and simple some of the designs are, really made me feel excited about the stuff i have the chance to do in my site. (like this teeter-totter pump)

That afternoon we met up with a lot of other volunteers and a couple of professors who showed us a great place to get ceviche. After having our fill, and feeling it in out wallets, we sat by the ocean, but shortly after made our way back to the heart of the city so we could combi our aces back to Yanacoto. I was not so into the idea of another combi ride back home (after the
previous 3 hour experience) but had no money to do otherwise. So combi it was! It was a lot better this time and i actually got to sit down.

That night (last night), most of the group met up at the other Pat's house for a bonfire/fiesta. It was nice having everyone around outside of the center. Pat's house had a great set up for that many people to hang out and enjoy a nice fire.

Today was pretty low-key. I watched some soccer games (go Spain!), and began a t-shirt design for our PC peru 14 group. Maybe i'll put upload whatever i end up with in the end so you can see. After that Chris and i headed into Chosica to run a few errands and just get out of the house. Later i had the opportunity to skype with my dad, uncle, and grandfather (G-dude). Skype is pretty much the coolest thing, as long as it is working that is. Especially if you have a camera.

Well, tomorrow starts a new week, so wish me luck! Hope all is well with everyone. Miss you!



Unknown said...

Patrick Mick and I are so loving reading your blog especially because we can hear extra news about Christopher. So sorry to hear about your ankle hope it improves quickly. Keep up the great work!

Dani said...

you look amazing in that photo!

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