Leave'n Time

So i write you from Gate 28, while awaiting my flight to Miami...so that i can then fly to Peru. I'm with 57 other volunteers, to it was a bit of a cluster @!*& getting checked in and through security and whatnot. We left the hotel at 8am for our 1:15pm flight.
Yesterday i got up and visited some of the monuments along the mall. You know, all the basics: Washington, Lincoln, Vietnam, Korean, etc. We also checked out the Smithsonian, but only for a few minutes. We headed back pretty much in time to make it to our 1 o'clock registration. The rest of the day was pretty much orientation. It involved a lot of talking to group members about how we were feeling, what are certain policies and why, and info for tomorrow (which is now today). A strange thing is that a girl that i went to Spain with and graduated in my class from UP will also be going on this trip. Last night some of us walked around and had dinner, a few beers, but basically called it an early night due to our early departure from the hotel.
It was pouring this morning as we all scrambled to get the luggage under the busses that were taking us to the airport. Seeing that i am from the great (rainy) state of Oregon, i figured i could take the rain and help others...which i did, but cause me to be drenched for an hour. Speaking of Oregon, there are at least 4 volunteers from the state.
I've been going in and out of feeling good and scared/lonely. I know it seems like it would be hard to feel lonely when surrounded by 56 other people, but it just isnt the same as having your best friends around. But i am hopeful. Also, feel free to give me as much encouragement and support as you would like, for i am worried that ill be the roughly 10% of people that decide to go home before they get to their assignment. On top of that, i think a larger percentage...maybe 30% don't complete the 2 years for various reasons. I'm pretty worried about that.
I guess the plan for the weekend, once we arrive in Peru, is to go on a group retreat. I'm sure it will be more information and exercises similar to our staging, but hopefully it'll be fun. Then we meet our families on Sunday...i believe. Then i think we start our 10 weeks of training. I've heard that the Water and Sanitation crew is always a fun rowdy bunch (says one of the trainers), so im hoping it'll be fun. Ok, well that's all for today. Wish me luck.



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