I got fleas

Yeah the title says it all...i´ll find one of those litle SOBs every now and then. I blame it on the damn cat that is roving around the house all the time. But i think once i start thinking about it it gets worse than it actually is, and i start to get all hypocondriac-like, thinking that and little itch is a bug!!
So i got up today and wasn´t really sure where my spanish class was to take place. Last week my group thought it was in our community, but were mistaken. This week we were pretty sure that it was again in our community...but not %100 sure. So we all show up at Chris´s house for class...and our teacher doesn´t show. So we start to thing: ¨great, a scond time we´ve screwed up!¨ But another person from anothe group was around, and thought the same as us. So we get a call, which indeed tells us that we need to get to the Center, but not because we were wrong, but in fact because other people we so confused that half the people had arrived at the Center, and the other half in ther communities. So thise jeep comes flying into our community to pick us up. I don´t know if the driver just is happy that he gets to get out of the Center and drive fast, or if the PC says that it is practically life threatening that we have missed a mear 20 minutes of a spanish lesson, but this guy was driving like a bat outta hell. I mean it was like operation-get-the-gringos-to-the-center-so-fast-it-makes-them-sh$t-there-pants. We all thought it might be over doing it a bit, but hey maybe the guy jsut needs to go fast every once and awhile.
Class was pretty normal. Although we got to play to dodgeball, which was nice. Yeah i know, dodgeball? Aren´t we soooo grown up? Well it pretty much fits wit how we are treated, but if that means a little dodgeball (mata-gente) then i guess i can put up with it.
After getting my second round of a couple injections, we had a lovely talk about STD´s! Oh and if a regular picture is worth a thousand words, these are worth a million thoughs of wanting to gouge my eye out so i never see such things again. Today was the first birhtday for a trainee, and right in the middle of a talke about HIV, a mariachi band comes stroming into the little training room. They play for nearly a half hour and dress the volunteer up. The mariachi leading the show gets all of the girls to dance with the birthday boy, and i beleive the girl who set up the who thing sang a couple songs with them (yes, she has training in singing with mariachis). It was great, and a lot of fun...but then i started to think that my birthday was only 3 days away, and that the bar had just been set pretty high for birthday celebrations. So i started to think it was going to be sad when i get just a regulate ¨hey happy birthday¨greeting on thursday. But a couple of my friends joked with me that now they have to raise the bar.
Because i ran out of the house quickly, as the speed-driven driver wailed away on the horn, i was able to grab all of my running gear...except my shorts. So instead i grabbed a beer with the bday boy and several other people in my group. I ate just a few minutes ago, and now here i am. There is a popular boy band, Grupo Cinco, playing in Chosica tonight. I´m not sure if i am going to go, because it would mean a very late night, but a think a few people are going. I think i might as well expeience it, but i´m not sure if i´ll follow through. ALso, although i was ready to keep up our boycott of the soccer facilty, it appears that we will be playing another game there tomorrow. Hopefully we don´t wait another 2 hours to just play 30 minutes. Alright, well that´s about it for me...oh... her is my address at the training center, should anyone like to keep in touch by the ol´fashion way:

(My Name)/Cuerpo de Paz
Calle Los Cedros 647
Chaclacayo, Lima 8, Peru

That is good until i get into my actual site...i think.



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